Applying for certificates or information about a person who is deceased

Information about a person who is deceased.

The 'applicant' means the person applying to BDM, even if applying on behalf of someone else.

The 'registered person' means the person to whom the information or certificate relates. For example, the registered person is the deceased person on a death certificate.

What information BDM might provide to you

The table below sets out the requirements that different types of the applicants need to meet. However, access to information is still subject to the Registrar's discretion. For more information see how The Registrar makes a decision about access to information.

The Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages Victoria (BDM) can provide information relating to death in the following formats:

  • Legal certificate
  • Letter of verification
  • Information only certificate (cannot be used as proof of identity)
  • Data
  • Historical certificate

Please refer to What information can be accessed for further information about these formats.

BDM will make every effort to assist you with your enquiry. If you are unable to meet all the requirements for a legal certificate, BDM might be able to provide you with a letter of verification.

Requirements for specific types of applicants

Types of applicants and how to apply
Type of accessApplicantHow to applyRequirementsWhat BDM might provide you
Family access
  • Informant on death certificate
  • Next of kin

    Family members** including:

    In relation to deceased adult:

    • The deceased's spouse or domestic partner
    • The deceased's child or the guardian of the deceased's child
    • The deceased's parent

    In relation to a deceased child:

    • The child's parent
    • The child's guardian immediately before death.

**Other family members may be entitled to the death certificate only if none of the family members listed above exist.

Go to Get a death certificate

Apply for a certificate including:

Proof of status examples include:

  • If you are a spouse or domestic partner at the time of death, you must be registered as the spouse or domestic partner of the deceased or provide relevant evidence
  • If you are a child of the deceased, you must be registered as the child of the deceased or provide relevant evidence
  • If you are the guardian of the deceased's child, you must provide evidence demonstrating that you have parental responsibility for the child
  • If you are a parent of the deceased, you must be listed as the parent of the deceased on the deceased's birth certificate.
Legal death certificate
Family accessOther relatives (not entitled persons)Go to Get a death certificate

Apply for a certificate including:

Legal death certificate
Deceased estate mattersPublic trustees and trustee companiesGo to Get a death certificate

Apply for a certificate including:

  • A written request on letterhead signed by the authorised delegate stating that the trustee acts on behalf of the deceased's estate
  • Evidence that the delegate has authority to apply:
    • Inclusion on a list of authorised delegates
    • Letter of authority from next of kin
    • Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration in the name of the public trustee or trustee company
    • A Trust Deed appointing the company as the trustee of a trust
  • Current, certified copy of proof of identity of delegate (if required)
  • The relevant fee.

Legal death certificate

Letter of verification

A certificate that cannot be used as proof of identity

Deceased estate mattersExecutorsGo to Get a death certificate

Apply for a certificate including:

  • Your current, certified copy of proof of identity
  • Grant of Probate in the name of the executor or advertised notice of intention that states the applicant is applying for a grant of representation
  • The relevant fee.

Legal death certificate

Letter of verification

A certificate that cannot be used as proof of identity

Deceased estate mattersLegal practitioners applying on behalf of an executorGo to Get a death certificate

Apply for a certificate including:

  • Your current, certified copy of proof of identity
  • Permission from the executor in the form of either:
    • A letter specifying the information that you can access
    • A third party authority form in which the executor gives you permission to access the specified information.
  • Grant of Probate in the name of the executor or advertised notice of intention that states the applicant is applying for a grant of representation
  • The relevant fee.

Legal death certificate

Letter of verification

A certificate that cannot be used as proof of identity

Deceased estate mattersApplicant named in Letters of Administration or Advertised Notice of IntentionGo to Get a death certificate

Apply for a certificate including:

  • Your current, certified copy of proof of identity
  • Letters of Administration in the name of the applicant or advertised notice of intention that states the applicant is applying for a grant of representation.
  • The relevant fee.

Legal death certificate

Letter of verification

A certificate that cannot be used as proof of identity

Deceased estate mattersLegal practitioner applying on behalf of an applicant named in Letters of AdministrationGo to Get a death certificate

Apply for a certificate including:

  • Your current, certified copy of proof of identity
  • Current, certified proof of identity of the applicant named in Letters of Administration
  • Permission from the applicant named in the Letters of Administration in the form of either:
    • A letter specifying the information that you can access
    • A third party authority form in which the applicant named in the Letters of Administration gives you permission to access the specified information
  • Letters of Administration in the name of the applicant or advertised notice of intention that states the applicant is applying for a grant of representation.
  • The relevant fee.

Legal certificate

Letter of verification

A certificate that cannot be used as proof of identity

Deceased estate mattersAuthorised third party delegate applying on behalf of the next of kin/family member of the deceasedGo to Get a death certificate

Apply for a certificate including

  • Your current, certified copies of proof of identity
  • Current, certified copies of proof of identity of next of kin/family member of the deceased
  • Permission from the next of kin/family member in the form of either:
    • A written statement on letterhead (if applicable) authorising you to apply on their behalf and specifying the information that you can access
    • A third party authority form in which the next of kin/family member of the deceased gives permission to you to access the specified information
  • One of the following:
    • Death certificate of the deceased that includes the next of kin/family member
    • Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration (or interstate/overseas equivalent) in the name of the next of kin/family member of deceased.
  • The relevant fee.

Legal death certificate

Letter of verification

A certificate that cannot be used as proof of identity

Deceased estate mattersAuthorised third party delegate applying on behalf of the executor or administratorGo to Get a death certificate

Apply for a certificate including:

  • Your current, certified copies of proof of identity
  • Current, certified copies of proof of identity of the executor or administrator
  • Permission from the executor or administrator in the form of either:
    • A written statement on letterhead (if applicable) authorising you to apply on their behalf and specifying the information that you can access
    • A third party authority form in which the executor or administrator gives permission to you to access the specified information.
  • Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration or advertised notice of intention that states the applicant is applying for a grant of representation (or interstate/overseas equivalent) in the name of the executor or administrator
  • The relevant fee.

Legal death certificate

Letter of verification

A certificate that cannot be used as proof of identity

Deceased estate mattersAuthorised third party delegate applying on behalf of a legal representative of the next of kin/family member of the deceased, executor or administratorGo to Get a death certificate

Apply for a certificate including:

  • A written request for the specified information on official letterhead signed by the authorised delegate of the legal representative stating that they act on behalf of the next of kin/family member of the deceased, executor or administrator
  • A letter of authority from next of kin/family member of the deceased, executor or administrator that the authorised delegate of the legal representative is acting on their behalf
  • Your current, certified copies of proof of identity
  • Current, certified copies of proof of identity from the:
    • Authorised delegate of the legal representative of the next of kin/family member, executor or administrator
    • Next of kin/family member, or executor or administrator
  • Permission from the legal representative of the next of kin/family member, executor or administrator in the form of either:
    • A written statement on letterhead authorising you to apply on their behalf and specifying the information that you can access
    • A third party authority form in which the next of kin/family member, or executor or administrator gives permission to you to access the specified information
  • Grant of Probate or Grant of Administration or advertised notice of intention that states the applicant is applying for a grant of representation (or overseas equivalent) in the name of the next of kin/family member of deceased, executor or administrator, or representative of the next of kin/family member, executor or administrator
  • The relevant fee.

Legal death certificate

Letter of verification

A certificate that cannot be used as proof of identity

Deceased estate mattersAuthorised third party delegate applying on behalf of a legal representative acting on behalf of the deceased trying to locate next of kinGo to Get a death certificate

Apply for a certificate including:

  • A written request for the specified information on official letterhead signed by the authorised delegate of the legal representative stating that they act on behalf of the deceased’s estate
  • Court order under any law giving the legal representative authorisation to act on behalf of the deceased’s estate.
  • Your current, certified copies of proof of identity
  • Current, certified copies of proof of identity of authorised delegate of the legal representative
  • Permission from the authorised delegate of the legal representative in the form of either:
    • A written statement or letter head authorising you to apply on their behalf and specifying the information that you can access
    • A third party authority form in which the authorised delegate of the legal representative gives you permission to access the specified information
  • The relevant fee.

Legal death certificate

Letter of verification

A certificate that cannot be used as proof of identity

Other agentFinancial institutionsGo to Get a death certificate

Apply for a certificate including:

  • A written request on letterhead signed by an officer authorised to act on behalf of the institution setting out:
    • The information you need
    • The reason for the request
  • Evidence that the deceased was a client (e.g. written statement of account)
  • Proof of identity from an officer authorised to act on behalf of the institution (a certified copy of staff card is sufficient)
  • The relevant fee.
Letter of verification
Administrative or research accessGovernment, not-for-profit, research (e.g. universities) or commercial organisations

Go to Apply for registry data

For more information, contact BDM using our contact us form and include 'data request' in your message.

A written request using the online data request form setting out:

  • The information you need
  • The reasons for the request (e.g. explaining the administrative or research purpose for which you need the information)
  • That you have the delegated authority to apply
  • Human Research Ethics Committee approval (if applicable for research).

Pay the relevant fee.

Note: There may be additional requirements, depending on the nature of the request. BDM will advise you if this is the case.

Statutory or government access

Any Australian government or statutory body requiring access. For example:

  • Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (Victoria)
  • Centrelink
  • Department of Home Affairs
  • Department of Veterans' Affairs
  • Hospitals
  • etc.
Go to Get a death certificate

Apply for a certificate including:

  • A written request on letterhead signed by an authorised delegate setting out:
    • The information you need
    • The statutory authority to obtain the information

      If you do not have statutory authority, you must provide permission (known as third party authority) and proof of identity from the entitled person

    • Certified proof of the authorised delegate's identity (staff identification card is sufficient)
  • The relevant fee.

Legal death certificate

Letter of verification

A certificate that cannot be used as proof of identity

Statutory or government accessLaw Enforcement Agencies (LEAs)Go to Get a death certificate

Apply for a certificate including:

  • A written request on letterhead signed by an authorised delegate setting out:
    • The statutory authority to obtain the information

      If there is no statutory authority, provide permission (known as third party authority) and proof of identity from the entitled person

    • The purpose for which the LEA seeks access
  • The relevant fee.

Note: If a legal certificate from BDM is required, in addition to the requirements above, the application must:

  • State that the purpose for which the LEA seeks access is for court proceedings
  • Include a subpoena.

A letter of verification

Legal death certificate

Information only certificate (cannot be used as proof of identity)

Statutory or government accessConsulates (from the country the registered person was born in or where the parent/guardian of the registered person resides)Go to Get a death certificate

Apply for a certificate including:

  • A written request on letterhead setting out:
    • The information you need
    • Any statutory authority you have to obtain the information
  • The registered person's next of kin's permission (known as third party authority) and the next of kin's proof of identity

    If you cannot provide the next of kin's permission, provide a written statement setting out:

    • Why you cannot obtain their permission
    • Your reason for seeking access to the information
  • The relevant fee.

Any documents not in English must be accompanied by a certified translation. Learn more about the requirements for translated documents.

A letter of verification
HistoricalAnyone - for information about a person who died over 30 years ago.Visit Search your family historyVisit Search your family history

Uncertified historical image of certificate

Historical certificate
