The Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages Victoria (BDM) processes thousands of 'life events' each year. These include births, deaths, marriages, registered relationships, adoptions and changes of name.
Our data keeps a detailed record of Victorian population and societal trends. You can tell a lot about Victoria from these statistics!
See the latest:
We're happy to consider requests for detailed data and statistics for research purposes. See Apply for registry data.
This page provides a snapshot of some of our annual data, including:
We will release more data in coming months.
Births, deaths and marriages registered (by calendar year)
Registrable event | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 |
Births | 82,350 | 72,932 | 76,198 | 76,410 | 74,620 | 79,597 | 79,726 | 83,493 | 84,404 | 74,846 | 75,378 | 75,153 | 78,748 | 72,491 | 71,688 |
Marriages | 32,048 | 29,826 | 33,233 | 18,740 | 16,623 | 28,917 | 29,999 | 26,317 | 26,290 | 25,487 | 29,739 | 29,279 | 29,901 | 27,503 | 28,525 |
Deaths | 45,900 | 45,345 | 47,996 | 42,507 | 41,143 | 41,387 | 39,640 | 40,770 | 40,015 | 39,955 | 38,948 | 36,512 | 36,238 | 36,733 | 35,764 |
Events are counted in the month and year we register them. This may be different to when the event occurred.
Higher numbers in 2016 and 2017 reflect work to clear a backlog. Improved practices from 2018 reduced the time between event and registration. From 2018 onward, figures more closely reflect actual events during the period.
Provision of statistics is a point in time measure - the status of registered events may change. As a result there may be some variation between the sum of each month when compared with the yearly total.
Births figures exclude stillbirths and incomplete registrations.
Marriages rose in 2018, following legislation allowing same-sex marriage in Australia.
Events registered (by financial year)
Registrable event | 2023-24 | 2022-23 | 2021-22 | 2020-21 | 2019-20 | 2018-19 | 2017-18 | 2016-17 | 2015-16 | 2014-15 | 2013-14 | 2012-13 | 2011-12 | 2010-11 | 2009-10 |
Births | 77,803 | 77,377 | 76,329 | 71,620 | 79,626 | 77,390 | 80,118 | 81,210 | 83,989 | 73,530 | 76,357 | 77,701 | 75,188 | 73,039 | 72,254 |
Changes of name | 13,317 | 10,365 | 9,413 | 8,077 | 12,777 | 9,411 | 11,897 | 12,260 | 11,419 | 10,320 | 11,277 | 11,240 | 12,485 | 12,939 | 14,432 |
Marriages | 31,460 | 31,331 | 25,137 | 17,756 | 25,598 | 28,712 | 28,698 | 27,176 | 27,131 | 28,709 | 29,257 | 29,378 | 28,956 | 28,384 | 27,983 |
Deaths | 45,193 | 46,881 | 46,328 | 40,947 | 42,114 | 39,482 | 40,620 | 40,269 | 41,328 | 37,671 | 37,086 | 36,201 | 36,147 | 37,459 | 34,781 |
Registered relationships | 6,238 | 4,466 | 5,647 | 5,281 | 6,079 | 4,216 | 3,930 | 3,421 | 1,391 | 1,164 | 1,077 | 877 | 496 | 360 | 238 |
Revoked relationships | 896 | 747 | 668 | 459 | 667 | 288 | 278 | 163 | 108 | 86 | 53 | 32 | 12 | 3 | 1 |
Adoptions | 73 | 53 | 36 | 34 | 50 | 41 | 49 | 53 | 56 | 73 | 109 | 55 | 77 | 89 | 80 |
Stillbirths | 391 | 384 | 411 | 336 | 470 | 366 | 474 | 506 | 415 | 398 | 477 | 458 | 445 | 381 | 445 |
Total | 175,371 | 171,604 | 163,969 | 144,510 | 167,381 | 159,906 | 166,064 | 165,058 | 165,837 | 151,951 | 155,693 | 155,942 | 153,802 | 152,654 | 150,214 |
Events are counted in the month and year we register them. This may be different to when the event occurred.
BDM identified an issue with the original registrations data published for 2022-2023. We have now addressed this.
Marriage registrations decreased in 2020-21. This was a result of restrictions on weddings due to coronavirus (COVID-19).
Higher numbers in 2016 and 2017 reflect work to clear a backlog.
Registered relationships have increased since 2016 due to a change of legislation.
BDM provides data on stillbirths to the Consultative Council on Obstetric and Paediatric Mortality and Morbidity (CCOPMM). CCOPMM advises the government on strategies to improve obstetric and paediatric care.
Certificates issued (by financial year)
Certificates issued | 2023-24 | 2022-23 | 2021-22 | 2020-21 | 2019-20 | 2018-19 | 2017-18 | 2016-17 | 2015-16 | 2014-15 | 2013-14 | 2012-13 | 2011-12 | 2010-11 | 2009-10 |
Legal certificates | 311,878 | 305,062 | 272,889 | 230,894 | 291,174 | 297,326 | 293,423 | 287,120 | 277,179 | 245,999 | 245,284 | 266,280 | 273,082 | 328,294 | 327,081 |
Commemorative certificates | 29,255 | 29,798 | 32,493 | 31,145 | 29,332 | 28,698 | 31,769 | 30,224 | 33,759 | 35,636 | 35,573 | 38,291 | 38,552 | 38,601 | 43,082 |
Historical certificates | 1,423 | 1,422 | 1,692 | 1,966 | 1,817 | 11,198 | 16,373 | 15,187 | 15,367 | 13,938 | 13,884 | 16,043 | 15,889 | 17,779 | 19,981 |
Historical images | 55,967 | 62,196 | 72,530 | 75,113 | 61,376 | 54,525 | 55,210 | 57,629 | 55,540 | 66,304 | 66,302 | 76,404 | 96,309 | 105,407 | 108,604 |
Total | 398,523 | 398,478 | 379,604 | 339,118 | 383,699 | 391,747 | 396,775 | 390,160 | 381,845 | 361,877 | 361,043 | 397,018 | 423,832 | 490,081 | 498,748 |
In 2020, BDM reduced the price of downloadable historical certificates. This had the effect of:
- Increasing sales of downloadable historical certificates
- Decreasing sales of historical paper certificates.
Birth statistics
Hospitals and midwives must notify the Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages Victoria (BDM) of births within 21 days.
Marriage statistics
Marriage celebrants must notify the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages (BDM) within 14 days of the ceremony. Marriages are counted in the month and year we register them. This may be different to when the marriage occurred.
Death statistics
The law requires doctors and funeral directors to notify the Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages Victoria (BDM) of deaths. In the case of a reportable death, the Coroner must notify BDM as soon as practicable after being notified by the doctor.