This section provides information about getting married in Victoria and registering your domestic or caring relationship.
For marriages and other relationships that have been registered in Victoria, you can apply for a copy of a marriage or registered relationship certificate.
If you're a marriage celebrant, visit our marriage celebrants page.

Getting married in Victoria
Information about legal requirements for marriage in Victoria, booking a wedding at the Victorian Marriage Registry, finding a celebrant and lodging a Notice of Intended Marriage. In Australia, the law allows marriage between both opposite-sex and same-sex couples.

Victorian Marriage Registry
The Victorian Marriage Registry is the largest provider of wedding ceremonies in Victoria. We host weddings for couples living in or visiting Melbourne for their special day.

Overseas marriages
Information about recognising overseas marriages in Victoria, and documentation you may need to get married overseas.

Get a marriage certificate
Marriage certificates are an important personal document. You can use the certificate as proof of your wedding for official purposes. This might include changing your name on a passport or driver licence.

Register a domestic relationship
Information about how to register a domestic relationship in Victoria.

Revoke a registered relationship
How to apply to revoke a registered relationship and apply for a revocation certificate.

Get a relationship certificate
Get an official copy of a Victorian relationship certificate.

We don't hold any divorce records or issue divorce certificates.

Register a caring relationship
Information about how to register a caring relationship in Victoria.