- Apply online. For example, Get a birth certificate.
- In the payment option, select BPay. This will allow you to submit your application without paying
- Once you’ve submitted your application, upload supporting documents as follows:
- Log in to your account at ‘My items(opens in a new window)’
- Click ‘Upload supporting documents’
- Choose a ‘Requirement type’ and ‘Document name’ from the dropdown lists
- Click ‘Browse’ to find the document(s)
- Select the document(s). You must attach:
- Proof of identity, and one of the following:
- A letter on official letterhead from a body coordinating the response to the natural disaster, or
- A statutory declaration stating that you have experienced financial loss due to a natural disaster, providing details (e.g. flood or bushfire) where you live.
- Click ‘Attach all’ to save them.
- Email your order number to bdmdisastersupport@dgs.vic.gov.au(opens in a new window).
Learn more about what happens after you apply for a fee waiver.
If you don’t have identity documents
If you don’t have the required proof of identity, please provide certified copies of whatever identity documents you can provide. These documents must show your name. We will then assess what you have provided. We may contact you to discuss your application.