Get a BDM account for your organisation

For hospitals and similar facilities viewing patient or resident records.

This information is for staff of hospitals and similar facilities viewing patient or resident records.

Residential aged care and nursing homes

  1. Register a BDM account for your organisation
  2. Follow the next step in this guide

Maternity hospitals

Your hospital probably already has a BDM account for submitting birth notifications. If so, the nurse unit manager or principal midwife manages this account. They need to follow the next step in this guide.

Non-maternity hospitals

If your hospital does not have a birthing unit:

  1. Register a BDM account for your hospital
  2. Follow the next step in this guide

If your hospital has a birthing unit, see the above instructions for maternity hospitals.

Need help?

Call us on 132 842 and select Option 3 (service partners). Calls to this option are answered within 15 minutes, and often faster.
