Personalising your ceremony

How to add personal touches to your marriage ceremony.

At the Victorian Marriage Registry, you’re welcome to add personal touches to your marriage ceremony.

You can personalise our Classic ceremony package.

You can’t personalise the Legal-only wedding package.

Personalising your Classic ceremony

We offer two different scripts in our Classic ceremony package:

You can choose your preferred script in advance, or on the day of your wedding. Couples who need an interpreter should choose the alternative marriage service.

You're able to add your own vows and readings to the Classic ceremony and bring your own music.

Please let us know at least two weeks before your ceremony if you would like to include your own vows, reading or poem. Email your preferences to in a new window). Include your full names and ceremony date with your email.

Your wedding vows

At the heart of your ceremony are the legal vows:

"I call upon the people here present to witness that I (Name) take you (Name) to be my lawful wedded (wife/husband/spouse)".

You must both make these vows for the marriage to be legal under Australian law.

You can make additions to these vows, up to 150 words.


One of your family members or friends may read a poem, short reading or speech. This may be up to 150 words.


Music can add atmosphere and personal meaning into your ceremony.

You are welcome to bring your own Bluetooth speaker to play your music.

If you wish to include music in your ceremony, we recommend:

  • Before the day, ask a family member or friend to help with music during your ceremony. This is a great way to involve them on your special day. It also lets you focus on your ceremony while they take care of the music.
  • Bring a Bluetooth speaker and smartphone or tablet with your songs in playing order. This is the simplest and most trouble-free option.

The best times to play music are at the beginning of the ceremony, during the signing of the marriage certificates and at the end of the ceremony.

Let your celebrant know on the day if you will be including music in your ceremony.


A ring ceremony is optional in both our standard and alternative services.

You need to supply your own rings and ring boxes or cushions.

More about the ceremony

Read more about what will happen on the day, including what you need to bring.
