View cause of death

For hospitals and similar facilities viewing patient or resident records - how to view cause of death.

This information is for staff of hospitals and similar facilities viewing patient or resident records.

Only staff with the necessary account permissions can view cause of death for the facility. See the previous step for how to add staff to your account to view cause of death.

Start at the search page

  1. Choose View Cause of death > Search from the top menu
  2. Fill out the relevant fields
  3. Click the Search

You’ll then be taken to the ‘Submitted items’ page.

To view an individual record, select View.

Search for an individual record

In the search page, enter details in the ‘Details of the person who died’ section.

View a list of all cause of death or cause of perinatal death

  1. In the search page, select the Notification type (MCCD or MCCPD)
  2. Leave all other fields blank
  3. Click Search

Notification types

MCCD = Cause of Death

MCCPD = Cause of Perinatal Death

View multiple records with certain criteria

Search by one or more fields to generate a list of records.

For example, search by:

  • Date of death, including a date range
  • Cause of death
  • Medical practitioner.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Add an asterisk at the end of a word to search for all items beginning with those letters (for example, W* or Wil*).

Log in to view cause of death(opens in a new window)

Need help?

Call us on 132 842 and select Option 3 (service partners). Calls to this option are answered within 15 minutes, and often faster.
