This page is for businesses and professionals who, as part of their work, need to create an account with BDM.
Before you start
You'll need to:
- Know which type of account you require (organisation or individual)
- Have a proof of identity document
- Have a suitable email address.
Type of account
Depending on your role, you will need to register as an individual or organisation.
- An organisation can nominate its staff to use BDM services. If you're one of these staff to use BDM services. If you're one of these staff, you can't finish registering until you receive an email from BDM
- An individual may be a member of an organisation or a sole practitioner.
Individual registration
Individual account | BDM service |
Marriage celebrant | Marriage notification |
Doctor at one or more hospitals / medical practices | Medical certificate cause of death |
Independent midwife | Birth notification |
Legal practitioner - sole practice | Certificate orders |
See which proof of identity you need to provide.
Organisation registration
Organisation account | Example of user | BDM service |
Hospital or birthing centre | Nurse/midwife at one or more hospitals | Birth notification |
Funeral home | Funeral director (at one or more funeral home) | Death registration |
Adoption information service | Staff | Adoption information requests |
University | Researcher, Phd student | Research data |
Legal firm | Legal practitioner | Certificate orders |
Corporate, business or research organisation | Staff | Data services |
Government department | Staff | Data services, certificate orders |
Independent researcher | Researcher | Research data request |
Learn more about registering as an organisation.
Still not sure? Contact us.
Proof of identity
You will need to provide details from one identity document issued by an Australian government. This may include:
- Birth certificate
- Passport
- Driver licence
- Medicare card.

We use an online verification service. You don't need to get certified copies or upload/send documents to us.
Suitable email addresses
Once an email address has been used for an account it can't be used for another account. This includes at a later date or even if the original account is deactivated.
This means we recommend you don't use any role-based or generic email address (e.g.
An example of a good email address would be
Learn more about the email address to use if you provide services to more than one organisation.
Accept the terms and conditions
If you are registering as an individual, sole trader, or you will be user within an organisation that has been registered with us, the following terms and conditions apply to you:
Terms of use for stakeholder users
If you are registering a new organisation you will be responsible for managing the organisation details and any users associated with it. The following terms and conditions apply to you:
Terms of use for stakeholder representatives
Both sets of terms and conditions can apply to you. By continuing, you signify that you accept the relevant terms and conditions.